Känner inte för att skriva ett inlägg, så jag fuskar och lägger in nåt från min sons blogg.
Progressive Revolution
I’ve noticed something a bit magical, both from news/blogs from around the nation, and at my rather liberal college. Progressives everywhere feel empowered. For four years we watched our country head in the wrong direction entirely, attacking foreign countries, destroying freedoms and social equalities. And when the chance came to fix it all, it was snatched away at the last moment, by 9 proverbial old men in smoke filled rooms. And when it seemed that we were at the brink of something worse happening, of the continuation of our government being run by business elites and conservative religious hate-mongers, something changed. Two new campaigns arose, funded, not by large grants from companies, not by public funds from the government, but in donations of $5, $10, $25 dollars, creating the first two candidates in a long time that truly were OF the people, Ron Paul and Barack Obama. Like so many Americans, when I cast my ballot, I felt like I was voting for a legitimate candidate, not the lesser of two evils. I had not come to this conclusion as quickly as many, and I wavered between independent candidate support(Dennis Kucinich) and Barack Obama, even after it would have to have been a write-in, and right up until a few days before I cast my ballot. And this grassroots campaign that so inspired a nation was behind an educated, black northerner.
And I think this will have an effect everywhere. Government will step on people, and people will step back. Not in the tens, or the hundreds, but in the thousands, until government fears to inflict even the slightest wrong upon the people they are designed to serve.
1 kommentar:
Och jag kämpar o kämpar med din sons suveräna texter, väldigt imponerad, hälsa honom att åtminstone "min" del av Umeå applåderar ;-), men återigen märker jag ju att jag är enormt tacksam över att faktiskt bo kvar här i ankdammen Sverige! Missförstå mig rätt nu bara, jag vet verkligen hur snett saker o ting har gått här hemma på sistone, och hur fel vi i mångt och mycket har "drivit" det här landet men än så länge finns den här grundtryggheten som är så viktig för mig och håller min lilla familj flytande trots avsaknad av både privatpension, om man nu har nytta av den som "ung" pensionär?, och förmåga att arbeta, ivf just nu.
Men å andra sidan, här har du en vänstervriden tanta också, antar att jag har en del fördomar mot det "stora landet i Väster" också :-)
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